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À propos de Gallagherstein

  • Rang
    2eme classe
  • Date de naissance 25/11/1981

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  • Jeu de stratégie temps réel WWII préféré
    Close Combat 2

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  1. Pour ceux qui seraient intéressés par le mod Normandy44, voilà le détail des différentes doctrines et sous-doctrines, ce qui permet à chaque joueur de trouver une combinaison qui correspond à sa façon de jouer et ce malgré l'historicité des ordres de bataille... par contre une fois le choix fait, pas de retour en arrière, ce qui implique une coordination au niveau des joueurs : par exemple si le joueur A prend la combinaison British Commonwealth + 6th Airborne Division "Red Devils" + 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment/1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, le joueur allié B peut au choix prendre US + US 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles" + 82nd Airborne Division "All American" pour jouer mass-para et faire tourner l'ennemi en rond ou alors British Commonwealth + XXX Corps + VIII Corps et refaire un remake de market-garden Les choix sont énormes... en 4vs4, imaginez ce que cela pourrait donner ! Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas car j'ai passé pas mal d'heures sur ce mod.USUS 29th Infantry Division "Blue and Grey" (also has some armor units from the 747th Tank Battalion and 821st Tank Destroyer Battalion, both attached to 29th ID, spread through sub-docs)~~ 1st Infantry Division "The Big Red 1" : landed on Omaha Beach with the 29th ID, and continued to fight alongside them into St.Lo and beyond~~ 2nd Ranger Battalion : landed on Omaha Beach with the 29th.~~ 30th Infantry "Old Hickory"/113th Calvary Group "Red Horse" : these two frequently found themselves fighting together and often working with the 29th ID, especially in and around St. LoUS 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles"~~ 82nd Airborne Division "All American" : landed behind enemy lines with the 101st just prior to D-Day, and frequently "dropped" together with them as part of the 1st Allied AB Army (899 Tank Destroyers also included as they were at times attached to the 82nd)~~ 327th Glider regiment - glider regiment of the 101st (also includes units from the 70th Light Tank Battalion who were attached to the 101st)~~ UK 6th Airborne Division "The Red Devils" - also landed just prior to D-DayUS 2nd Armored Division "Hell on Wheels"~~ 82nd Reconnaissance Battalion - they were described as the "Eyes and Ears" of the 2nd AD.~~ 702 Tank Destroyers - the anti-tank wing of the 2nd AD~~ 2nd Free French Armoured Division (2e Division Blindée) - at times fought alongside 2nd AD when it got up to strengthBritish CommonwealthXXX Corps (many of the divisions included spent time in the XXX Corps, and all fought at least alongside - the 50th (Northumbrian) ID is the starting infantry division with some light motorized help from the 7th AD)~~ 7th Armoured Division "Desert Rats" - the main and consistent armor component of the XXX corps~~ VIII Corps - often worked with and helped XXX Corps. It's main armor component was the 11th AD "The Black Bull". Also included the 15th Scottish Infantry Division, the Guards Armoured Division, and the independent 6th Guards Tank Brigade.~~ 51st (Highland) Infantry Division - part of XXX corps. Also includes the attached 33rd Armoured Brigade.6th Airborne Division "Red Devils" (gliders from the 6th Air Landing Brigade are included in main tree column)~~ 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment/1st Canadian Parachute Battalion - both fought as part of the 6th ABD~~ 1st Airborne Division/1st Independent Parachute Brigade (Polish) - part of the 1st Allied AB Army with 6th ABD~~ 4th Special Service Brigade - landed on d-day (also includes 4th Free French SAS)3rd Canadian Infantry Division "The water rats"~~ 2nd Armored Brigade - supported the 3rd ID on D-Day and part of II Canadian Corps with the 3rd ID~~ 1st Polish Armoured Division/79th Armoured Division - the 1st polish AD was also part of II Canadian Corps, and the 79th assisted the Candians, including D-Day (also includes the Divisional Royal Canadian Engineers - 6th Field Coy regiment of the 3rd ID)~~ 2nd Canadian ID and 4th Canadian Armor Division - also fought as part of II Canadian Corps, and often alongside the 3rd IDWehrmacht709.Infanterie Division~~ 795.Osttruppen Battalion - Georgian volunteers, they fought as part of the 709.ID at Utah Beach and fought with them in the Cotentin Peninsula~~ 352.Infanterie Division - also fought along the beaches in Normandy at Utah beach and the following battles~~ 243.Infanterie Division - also fought in Normandy in the Cotentin Peninsula and near Cherbourg2.Panzer Division~~ 38.Panzerjäger Battalion - the anti-tank battalion of the 2.PzD. Also includes units from Panzerjäger Abteilung 559 who were attached inside XLVII Panzer Corps with the 2.PzD in the fall of 1944~~ 2.Aufklärungs-Abteilung - the recon battalion of the 2.PzD and was known, like the 82nd Recon of the 2nd AD, as the "eyes and ears" of the division. Also includes units of the 26.Volksgrenadier Division who fought as part of XLVII Panzer Corps with the 2.PzD in the fall of 1944~~ 9.Panzer Division - the "sister" division of 2.PzD, and fought as part of XLVII Panzer Corps with the 2.PzD in the fall of 194412.SS Panzer Division~~ Schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 501/Schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 560 - fought as part of I SS Panzer Corps with the Schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 560 attached to the 12.SS PzD (also includes further 12.SS vehicles)~~ 3. Fallschirmjägerdivision/12th Volksgrenadier Division - both were also attached to I SS Panzer Corps in the fall of 1944~~ 2.SS Panzer Division - though part of II SS Panzer Corps, fought alongside the 12.SS near Caen and St LoPanzer Elite21.Panzer Division~~ KGr Oppeln - the armor side of the division (with mobile arty)~~ KGr Oppeln - the more mobile, recon side of the division. Also includes 200.Panzerjäger-Abteilung for anti-armor support~~ 15.Panzer Grenadier Division - fought as part of XXXXVII Panzerkorps with 21st PzD91.Luftlande Infanterie-Division~~ 16.Luftwaffe Feld Division - fought with 91.LID on the Cotentin Peninsula~~ 6.Fallschirmjäger-Regiment - was attached to 91.LID on the Cotentin Peninsula~~ 77.Infanterie-Division - together in cotenin peninsula as part of II Fallschirmjägerkorps with 91. LID17.SS Panzer-Grenadier Division~~ 1.SS Panzer Division - fought as part of I SS Panzer Corps with 17.SS PzGren (some units are also included as part of one of 17.SS PzGren buildings). Also includes Schwere Panzerjäger Abteilung 560 (attached to I SS Panzer Corps) and Schwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 501 (who were specifically attached to 1.SS)~~ Panzer Lehr Division - fought at times during summer and fall of 1944 as part of I SS Panzer Corps~~ 9.SS Panzer Division - part of the divisions who assisted in Falaise Pocket to help the 17.SS PzGren Div. and other trapped divisions
  2. J'ai la série complète, le 2 étant mon préféré... Le 5 est bien mais surtout grâce au mod Battle of Berlin ;)EDIT: Tiens, voilà le portail dédié à la série
  3. Bonjour,Je recherche des joueurs franco qui accepteraient de jouer en multi sans IA sur des mods comme Blitkrieg ou Normandy44Cela fait longtemps que j'ai pas joué par manque de multi intéressant et j'ai envie de m'y remettre avec la sortie des dernières versions de ces mods ;)Alors un bref topo sur moi : je suis un pré-retraité du clan GCF qui œuvre sur Red Orchestra et Darkest HourJe suis passionné de grand-stratégie comme Hearts of Iron ou la série des Total War, mais je ne rechigne pas à tâter du tactique avec Dawn of War, Close combat ou Sudden Strike :)Mon profil de joueur multi se résume à "plus çà dure, plus c'est bon", je déteste le rush ou l'exploit stupide (comme le rush-truck à sudden strike par exemple) ou encore le martelage jusqu'au boutiste...Dans une partie multi, je préfère disputer un village à l'ennemi pendant 3 heures, perdre et capturer 20 fois le même point, plutot que de longer le bord de carte et rush la base adverse en 5 min :/En gros je joue au tactique avec un esprit stratégique, c'est peut être inadapté voir idiot mais je joue comme çà... Pour tout vous dire je préfère battre en retraite plutôt que de voir mes unités être éliminés pour rien, j'irais même jusqu'à dire que si CoH autorisais la reddition d'unités, je n'hésiterais pas une seconde en cas d'encerclement, un soldat est un soldat ! Heureusement qu'il ne sont pas nominatifs dans le jeu car je suis sûr que je les enverraient pas combattre tellement je m'y attacherais :DAh oui, et je raffole pas des petites cartes, je joue plutôt sur des grandes cartes, même en 1vs1... le goût des grandes manœuvres qui ressort.Je possède CoH et COH:OF.... Une dernière chose si çà peut vous être utile, je joue plutôt support/soutien de mes alliés et dans le même temps j'applique la doctrine du défensif/contre-offensif localisé. Je ne suis pas un agressif mais je rate pas une opportunité non plus
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