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Tout ce qui a été posté par Shurik

  1. Hello! Guys, we discuss games together for months. If you really interested why not just do it? What kind of problems do we have? Conserning games features on our server - as I said before I'm ready to give you all information about this, you able to test this features on our server before event. Most of information you can read here Ready to answer questions. Information about missions I'll send you when we choose it. Do you like to play on our server first or on yours? Do you already have team vs team missions on your server? If its possible, we prefer to play as close to realism as we can. [bonjour! Les gars, nous discutons ensemble d'une partie depuis quelques mois déjà. Si vous êtes réellement intéressés, pourquoi ne pas ne pas se l'organiser ? Quels problèmes avons-nous ? Concernant les fonctionnalités du jeu sur notre serveur, comme je vous l'ai dit auparavant, je suis prêt à vous communiquer toutes les informations à ce sujet. Vous pourrez toujours tester le bon fonctionnement de votre installation sur notre serveur et ce, avant l'événement. Vous pourrez trouver de nombreuses informations ici et je me tiens prêt à répondre à vos questions. Je vous transmettrais les informations concernant les missions une fois celle-ci sélectionnée. Souhaiteriez-vous jouer sur notre serveur dans un premier temps ou sur le vôtre? Disposez-vous d'une map Team Vs Team sur votre serveur? Si cela est possible, nous préférerions jouer de façon réaliste ou de ce qui s'en approche le plus.]
  2. Hello! Our next event will start on this Sunday, 8 September 21:00 Moscow time (19:00 Paris time). If you need help in using and configuration plugin, or just want to try, you can connect our TS and game server this Wednesday from 20:45 to 21:00 Moscow time (18:45 Paris time) TS-server (password 2010)
  3. Thank you Amnesia! You can join our games in the future, you should try it! Usually we play Wednesday and Sunday evening. Except this sessions we can try to organize community vs community game. What you think about it? What time and week day usually ok for your community?
  4. Hi guys. There is a little bit news about planing missions. First mission is gonna be tank battle for Kurozveki. Most of players became a member of tank crew. Second one: blue side defending village, red side has to capture it. More infantry mission, but tanks and guns present. In second planing mission blue side defend village, red side has to capture it. If you new on our server please read this: Features of our server: Realism. We strive to create an atmosphere of actual combat during the WW2, so the imposed restrictions: - no player position indication on the map. - one life, no respawn. - realistic communication between the players: no chat, you can hear only players near you or use radio - death reports, 3rd person view etc disabled Fair play and respect for all the players. - The use of bugs, cheats, trainers, codes in any form is prohibited - insults, flame, trolling not allowed - Ban for intentional TeamKills Discipline, organization. - All players will be divided into groups, which will manage the commanders. - Participants should follow the instructions of the group commander. First you should enter TS-server (password 2010) and choose subchanel PVP_Tushino, "красные" for red side or "синие" for blue side. Ask password for the game and enter server. The upper slot is usually for side commander (KC), he arrange all side players for slots and choose group commanders (KO). When everybody ready, admin start the mission. You'll see the map and have few minutes for reading. All players have to read this "brieafing" (situation, win/loose conditions etc)! After that mission will load, and you'll got new information (intelligence data)! Read it and press "M" for put your map away. TS-plugin now turned on (TS channel switch automatically) and you'll hear only voises near you. Chat turned off. Before the military action both sides has time for making decisions (usually 5..10 min, you see countdown on the left screen side). For this time all soldiers can't move far away, can't use/take/drop weapons, shooting is useless! Commanders (KCs and KOs) can move, they have this time for brieafing: tactics discussion, get instruction, set radio channels etc. Only after brieafing the main active part of mission is begin. Now you can shoot, drive, die etc. Usually from this point private soldiers don't have map anymore (like in real life), so they shouldn't lose the group leader (KO), follow all his instructions. For communication between groups we use radio (usually only 1 for group), it opens by pressing "O". If you open radio you can turn it on/off and change your channel (from 1 to 6) by mouse clicking. You can left (minimize) radio interface by press "Esc". If the radio is turned on, you can press and hold keyboard button with number (from 1 to 6) for transmission on respective channels. Inside the group you just communicating by voise. Don't forget - enemy can hear you. Press "TAB" for change volume level (whisper/normal/loud). All our missions usually has time limit (30..90 min), you can see time left by pressing "M". If any player died, no one get any reports about it, no matter friend him or foe. After death you go to spectator mode and TS-plugin automatically send you back to TS-channel you been before. Dead players can spectate combat, awaiting for the next mission.
  5. Thank you, Amnesia! Please don't forget, its important for all players to install TeamSpeak 3.0.0 beta36 4.6.2 and radio TS plug-in. Instruction for TeamSpeak setup: TeamSpeak 3.0.0 beta36 4.6.2 you can download here: (32) or (64) Arma 2 radio TS plugin you can download here: If you already have installed TS you just can choose another folder for 4.6.2 version. Do not update this version! After installation unpack a2radiots0_32.dll or a2radiots0_64.dll file to TS folder (like C:Program FilesTeamSpeak 3 Clientplugins) Start TS, go to menu settings/plugins and check box for "Arma 2 radio TS plugin".
  6. Hi again! Well, I guess you think language barrier is a huge problem, but its not so much, its all solvable. There is at least two ways: 1) if you'll come to games as a group with leader, who can speak English (or Russian) 2) If we'll organize special game French speaking team vs Russian speaking team, for instance. I suppose its much more intresting and realistic then coop missions. The main feature is our wish, all tecnical and other problems are solvable. Anyway, I invite you to next party on Sunday, 4 August 21:00 Moscow time (19:00 Paris time) Short video to feel the atmosphere:
  7. If anybody want to try it this Wednesday or Sunday (at least to see what our games and our community is), you need: 1. Tell me your game&TS nickname (nickname in the game and in the TeamSpeak has to be the same!). 2. Install TeamSpeak 3.0.0 beta36 4.6.2 (Important! only this version work with plugin!!) and radio TS plug-in. (links for downloading here 3. Understand basic English or Russian. (in the future we can organize games in French and Russian) Plugin is a feature make communication between players much more realistic. You'll hear voises of players near you, volume depends of distance etc. Without plug-in you can't participate! [Si quelqu'un souhaite s'y essayer ce mercredi ou ce dimanche (au moins pour voir notre manière de jouer et faire connaissance de notre communauté), vous aurez besoin : 1. De me communiquer votre pseudo in-game et votre identifiant TS (Noter que votre pseudo in-game doit être identique à votre identifiant TeamSpeak) 2. D'installer le client TeamSpeak 3.0.0 Beta36 4.6.2 (Attention ! Seule cette version fonctionne avec le plugin cité ci-après) et le Plugin TS Radio (Voici le lien pour le télécharger : 3. De comprende l'Anglais de base ou le Russe. (A noter que nous pourrions par la suite organiser des sessions en Français et en Russe) En ce qui concerne le Plugin TS Radio, ce dernier permet une communication entre les joueurs beaucoup plus réaliste. Vous entendrez les joueurs à proximité immédiate de votre position, le volume dépendant de la distance, etc... Sans ce Plugin, vous ne pourrez pas participer !]
  8. a little bit information about HardMode - we do not play with bots(AI) and trying to play as close to reality as we can. Usually we have 20...40 players every game. As I can see, there is a lot of active members in your community, what do you think about organize big tactical game sometime? Its fun! [Quelques informations complémentaires sur le Mode de jeu -Harcore-. En fait, nous ne jouons pas avec les bots (IA) et essayons d'évoluer au plus près de la réalité. Habituellement, nous réunissons entre 20 et 40 joueurs sur chacune de nos parties. Comme vous pouvez le voir, il y a de nombreux membres actifs au sein de notre communauté. Que diriez-vous de participer à quelques parties tactiques de grande envergure ? C'est fun !]
  9. Hello from Russian Iron Front Hard Mode community! First aff all, im sorry, i can't speak French. We play online TvT games every Wednesday and Sunday, and invite you to try play together. This Wednesday, June 26 at 1 PM EDT (21:00 GMT) we gonna try to play with other groups of IF fans. All information about this event, our community and games you can find here: - event (English) - our forum (Russian) [un bonjour de la part de la communauté Russe évoluant sur Iron Front en mode -Hardcore- ! Dans un premier temps, je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser mais je ne sais pas parler Français. Nous jouons en ligne à du Team Vs Team chaque Mercredi et dimanche et souhaiterions vous inviter afin d'essayer de jouer ensemble. Ce mercredi, 26 juin 2013, à 21H, nous allons justement essayer de jouer avec d'autres groupes, joueurs et fans d'Iron Front. Toutes les informations sur cet évènement, notre communauté et les jeux sur lesquels nous évoluons se trouvent ici : - Sujet de l'évènement (En Anglais) - Notre forum (En Russe)]
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