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Les patch notes

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Patch notes (ver.

  • Implemented a Repair Ability. Repair Kits of all sizes can now be crafted by anyone with Construction materials preparation skill.

  • Optimized claims calculation code. There should be less freezes now during claims recalculation

  • Added damaged models to different objects and buildings. Most of these models are not final!

  • Significantly lowered base decay rate for all objects

  • Fixed a serious bug that caused some objects to disappear in certain circumstances

  • Fixed and optimized network code

  • You can now Inspect objects to learn about their durability data

  • You can no longer use trash items and soil for sacrificing. They will not provide sacrifice points

  • Fixed multiple monuments and guild-related minor bugs

  • Guild member limit now works properly

  • GM mode camera speed is no longer the same for all GMs

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Nouvelle mise à jour :


Patch notes (ver.

  • Implemented Judgment Hour gameplay feature. Do not forget to adjust its schedule on private servers and ask your server admins to do that on a dedicated ones
  • Made a major particle system rework. In current and following patches you will notice more adequate particle effects in our game (fire, smoke, blood etc)
  • You can now grind in our game smile.gif ! Quern-stone is now working and should be used as a tool to grind wheat into flour. Windmill with advanced mass grinding mechanics will be implemented later
  • Slightly shifted camera position in War Mode. We will provide a more user friendly camera behaviour in one of the next patches
  • Optimized network code - effect will be hardly noticeable, unless you try to gather a crowd of players
  • Added voice chat indicator. You can move it or close it while in Interface editing mode (F10)
  • Added Shadow distance video setting. You might want to tune it down to reduce “morning lag” that is caused by long shadow render. Shadow mechanics will be fixed in one of the following patches
  • Added a button in your settings that will reset all “Don't pop up those messages” flags on your client
  • Fixed private claim of objects (timer) that worked improperly under some circumstances
  • Fixed multiple issues that appeared after a player in GM mode entered and left camera mode. (Still GM Mode is not really safe for all in game interactions.) Use it only when you actually need to do something godly and then turn it off for your and your world safety!
  • Fixed a server crash, when you are kicking an offline guild member from a guild
  • Fixed some damaged state assets
  • Fixed map dialogue buttons
  • Multiple minor bug and crash fixes

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Mise à jour du 1er avril :


After thousands of man hours and gallons of coffee we have finally achieved a MAJOR breakthrough in our graphics engine. We are proud to introduce an Improved Graphics Mode © ! Due to its experimental nature, you need to activate it manually by pressing Alt + "i" on your keyboard.

Patch notes (seriously. ver.

  • Implemented Improved Graphics Mode ©
  • Fixed a bug with maintenance not occurring in certain conditions (trees and crops do not grow etc.)
  • You can use kiln bellows without a Smelting skill now
  • Traps and Snares are fixed and should work properly now and not decay too quick
  • You can now select objects that lie in shallow water
  • Alignment loss for same guild/group members should no longer occur
  • Other minor bug fixes

P.S. To turn off Improved Graphics Mode © press Alt + “-” on your keyboard.
P.P.S. We have received numerous reports that tanning tubs are not working in certain cases - we are still unable to reproduce the bug locally with our QA team so would be glad for any additional info you can provide on the matter.


Mise à jour effectué sur le serveur.

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