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Everything posted by Olaf_-l-_
Oyez oyez ! j'ai profité du confinement pour faire une compilation de quasi toute nos cartes multi 65 cartes au total Voici le lien pour les télécharger :
Non il s'appelle Churro , et il y'a aussi une dizaine d'autre joueur offikireg là bas !
Bonjour a tous , je fais juste un petit sujet pour vous présenter un discord permettant de jouer à blitzkrieg avec le monde entier . On y trouve toute les nationalités , les moddeurs de la plupart des gros MOD de blitzkrieg ainsi que des parties journalières grâce a game ranger . Et le petit plus , il y'a des parties sur offikrieg , hébergé par un joueur de los angeles . Au plaisir de vous y voir.
Le seul problème c'est que moi j'a la version boite , et du coup je suis pas éligible ,je vais attendre une solde sur steam ....
Depuis le temps ... Les serveurs rouvres mes amis ! Annonce officielle sur steam ! On va revenir a nos premiers amours. Edit. Dixit Ray Jefferson : « Les possesseurs du jeu sur GoG n'ont pas besoin de l'acquérir sur Steam. Le service qui remplace Gamespy n'est autre que GoG Galaxy. »
ola les copains ! Alors c'est bien de se mettre à faire de nouvelle carte , c'est vrai qu'on a plus trop le temps en ce moment . J'en profite pour donner des nouvelles, je n'ai pas arrêté Offikrieg , mais je suis en ce moment sur la campagne russe du GZM qui a été refaite et compte maintenant plus de 80 missions (avec en moyenne 2h par mission) donc je me régale . Pour la création de carte multijoueur je te conseille de ne pas surchargé la map pour commencer , une map petite avec 4 ou 5 renfort pour se faire la main c'est bien . (Trouver l'équilibrage est un sacré casse tête) PS . Mog j'ai récupéré 2 vieux portables chez moi et avec un câble ethernet on se fait des lan offikrieg de temps en temps dans le salon avec BIGMoe .
Présentation de wararmer
Olaf_-l-_ replied to wararmer's topic in Présentation des nouveaux arrivants
Salutation Wararmer. ! -
Pareil , déjà avoir un nombre limité d'unité par joueur c'est bof bof , mais finalement le multi n'est qu'une course au renfort , celui qui perds le moins d'unité gagne au final . Cela n'encourage aucune stratégie couteuse . Et puis 4 cartes ! Non mais on sent bien que le multi n'est pas fini . Je sais que l'alliance a déjà fait une partie d'initiation et cela ne les a pas enthousiasmé non plus .
L'univers des skins d'unités
Olaf_-l-_ replied to Scyooff's topic in Le coin des modeurs et des créateurs de cartes
Merci c'est dans la boite ! -
Bon je reviens de mes montagnes pour te remercier Tercio , ça fait du bien d'avoir un retour sur le son de ce jeu qui m'a demandé pas mal de boulot ! A plus !
Franchement Europa c'est le jeu avec 178 patch dlc non ?
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Bon alors je jette peut être un pavé dans la mare , mais quelqu'un de dispo la semaine prochaine ? -
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
On a des 3v3 dans les maps ? -
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Bon bin finalement je ne serai pas là , amusez vous bien ! -
de retour des montagnes bon annif !
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Une petite partie ce week end les amis ? samedi aprem ? dimanche ? vendredi soir ? J'ai enfin un peu de temps devant mon pc matusalem 3000 edit : je viens de voir vos messages , j'ai raté un page et je serai là dimanche pour en découdre . -
Ou alors tu met une casserole pâtes a bouillir dessus
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Si tu ne me vois pas à 20h30 sur le mumble , ne m'attends pas . -
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Alors moi je ne peux pas ce vendredi soir , j'ai une grillade (oui je vis dans la sud) . Dans le week end ? -
Une partie ça vous dit ?
Olaf_-l-_ replied to D0omHammer's topic in Mission Barbarossa, Mission Kursk
Qui est disponible cette semaine les amis pour se mettre sur le groin ? -
Le petit changelog , adieu les jager à10pts , pour avoir 2 tomcat =2 place dans le deck , et la plupart des heavy tanks sont moins chers. Les norvégiens prennent un peu cher. GENERIC: - Mixed decks activation points reduced from 50 to 45. - Supply refill rate incresed from 30/sec to 50/sec (rearm/refuel/repair rate unchanged). - AA units based on IFV chassis added to motorized deck : AMX-13 Oeil noir, VTT-323 Igla, Pongae 3, MT-LB Strzala 10M, Chaparral A3, - Strop 1, Sopel. - Gun noise increased to prevent armed recon from firing at other recons without being detected. - APC & IFV with only 3 missiles now have 4 missiles (Fuchs Milan, BMP-2 ...). - Supply trucks carrying 1700 supply now carry 50 extra supply. - Supply helicopters price reduced : 120$ to 110$, 85$ to 75$, 65$ to 55$, 45$ to 35$, 30$ to 25$. - Ground & helicopter-based ATGM resupply cost reduced by 20% with the exception of the ADATS which already was cheaper compared with the rest. - Multirole aircraft veterancy increased by one step. - Mig-25BM, JH-7A Feibao & Tornado ECR now fire their SEAD missiles one by one to avoid wasting ammo. - Mig-31 & F-14 detection range against planes greatly increased, they will now act as long range detectors - Commonwealth coalition bonus increased to +10% availability. - Eryx HE suppression reduction missing from last patch fixed(invisible change, the armory only feedbacks the values of the AP) - Eryx users (Eryx, Hightlanders '90, Legion '90, FSK) prototyped & service date set to 1993 to match the weapon production date. - MG3 nerf from last patch reverted. - Petard Gun of the AVRE & CEV range reduced to 1050m, accuracy increased to 70%, aim time reduced from 4 to 1sec. - 150mm guns on tanks HE power increased to 5 (starphip, sheridan, MBT70). - HOT 2 missiles accuracy incresed from 55%/45% to 65%/50%. - HOT 1 missile accuracy increased from 40%/30% to 50%/35%. - Milan 1 missile accuracy increased from 35% to 40%. - Milan 2 missile accuracy increased from 40% to 45%. - 24A2 autocannon from early BMP2 accuracy increased from 20%/5% to 25%/10% - 24A2 autocannon from late BMP2 accuracy increased from 25%/10% to 30%/20% - Polish & Czech Mi-8T autonomy unified with other Mi-8T from 400 to 550km - Yak-B gun now fire in bursts, reducing it's global RoF. - T-72S price reduced from 135$ to 125$ - T-72S1 price reduced from 130$ to 120$ - MBTs availabilities set to match the new prices (see individual nations). ---------------------------------- WEST-GERMANY: - CH-53 (sea stalion) was confused with the CH-53E super stallion, it now has price/availability/cargo similar to Mi-8. - Marder 2 50mm autocannon HE value increased from 1 to 1.5. - Jager price increased from 10$ to 15$. - Leopard 1A5 price increased from 60$ to 65$. - Leopard 2A1 price reduced from 105$ to 100$. - Leopard 2A4 price reduced from 135$ to 130$. - Jaguar 1 price reduced from 45 to 40 - Jaguar 1 availability reduced from 12 to 10 - Jaguar 2 price reduced from 55 to 45 - Jaguar 2 optics increased from poor to medium NORWAY: - Gevaermenn '90 price increased from 10 to 15$, availability increased by one step - FSK price increase from 30$ to 35$ - NM113 RAKPV price reduced from 35 to 25 - NM142 price reduced from 70 to 55 - F-5A Puff veterancy reduced by one step - F-104G price reduced from 80$ to 60$ - F-16AM price reduced from 160$ to 150$ JAPAN: - Short Arrow model and sound fixed, the missiles used to be displayed in the wrong place. - Kyu-Roku WAPC is now available to Kütei '90 and JSDF Rangers. - Kyu Marun Shiki prototyped and AP increased from 22 to 23 to represent the use of a more modern amunition, service date moved to 1993. - F-104J Ryu vulcan replaced with the low accurate early version of the gun - F-15J price reduced from 150$ to 145$ DENMARK: - M41 DK1 price increased from 20$ to 25$ - M/113A1 TOW price reduced from 35 to 25 - M/113A1 TOW-2 price reduced from 70 to 55 USA: - CH-53 renamed CH-53E Super Stallion, service date changed to 1981 - M728 CEV price reduced from 45$ to 35$ - M2 Bradley series availability increased by one step - M3A2 Bradley availability reduced from 6 to 4 per pack. - M551 ACAV price incresaed from 25$ to 30$. - V-150 20mm ammo loadout increased from 120 to 390 rounds. - Super M60 price reduced from 65$ to 60$ - M1A1 Abrams price reduced from 120$ to 115$ - M1A1 HA price reduced from 145$ to 140$ - M1A1 HC price reduced from 160$ to 155$ - M150 price reduced from 35 to 25 - M901 ITV price reduced from 55 to 40 - M901 ITV availability increased from 8 to 10 - M901A1 ITV price reduced from 75 to 60 - LAV-AT price reduced from 45 to 40 - LAV-AT availability increased from 8 to 10 - Tomcat in the AIR tab split into 2 cards of 1 plane at trained level - F-111E loadout changed from 12x Mk82 to 12x MM117, price increased from 110$ to 130$ CANADA: - Centurion Marksman removed from motorized decks. - Leopard C2 MEXAS price increased from 75$ to 80$ - LAV TUA price reduced from 75 to 60 - M113 TUA price reduced from 70 to 55 - M150 I-TOW price reduced from 45 to 35 - M150 TOW price reduced from 35 to 25 UK: - Fixing of a salvo bug that lowered Rarden's Autocannon RoF more than expected when stressed. - Centurion AVRE peice reduced from 40$ to 30$. - Chieftain Mk.11 optics increased to normal. - Chieftain Mk.11 price reduced from 85$ to 80$ - Challenger Mk.1 price reduced from 115$ to 105$ - Challenger Mk.2 price reduced from 125$ to 120$ - Challenger Mk.3 price reduced from 150$ to 145$ - FV102 Striker price reduced from 45 to 40 - FV102 Striker availability increased from 8 to 10 - Tornado F.2 price increased from 110$ to 115$ SWEDEN: - AMOS autorized in mototrized decks. - Kustjägare price reduced from 40$ to 35$ and removed from mechanized decks. - Strv 121 price reduced from 160$ to 155$ - PVRBV 551 price reduced from 45 to 30 - PVRBV 551 price reduced from availability increased from 12 to 14 - PVPTJGB 1111 price reduced from availability increased from 10 to 12 - SK-60B missile changed from F&F to Semi active guidance, accuracy set to 50% - J 35J Draken price reduced from 80$ to 75$ - JA 37 Viggen price reduced from 110$ to 105$ - JAS 39 Gripen price reduced from 160$ to 150$ FRANCE: - AML 60/20 Serval price reduced from 30$ to 25$. - Commando Marine price reduced from 40$ to 35$. - AMX/HOT price reduced from 45 to 40 - AMX/HOT availability increased from 8 to 10 - VAB Mephisto availability increased from 8 to 10 - AMX-10P Milan price reduced from 30 to 25 - AMX-10P Milan availability increased from 12 to 16 - Mirage F1C-200 price rduced from 105$ to 100$ S-KOREA: - K1 price increased from 85$ to 90$ - KM1131A1 TOW price reduced from 35 to 25 - KM1131A1 I-TOW price reduced from 45 to 35 - F-4D Peace Pheasant I loadout increased from 18xMk82 to 25xMk82 ANZAC: - ASLAV-25 TOW-2 price reduced from 55 to 45 - ASLAV-25 TOW-2 availability increased from 6 to 8 - F-111C loadout reduced from 8xMk84 to 4xMk-84, ECM increased from 10% to 30%, price reduced from 160$ to 140$ - F-111C is now reserved as a national/coalition asset with a single card of 2 planes. - Mirage IIIO(F) price reduced from 80$ to 70$ - ANZAC F-4E Phantom price reduced from 100$ to 90$ ---------------------------- USSR: - UAZ 469 KPVT price reduced from 15$ to 10$ like the other versions - PT-85 & PT-90 RoF fixed from 12RPM to 8 RPM and autoloader removed - PT-90 accuracy increased from 35%/10% to 50%/20% - T-64BM price increased from 90$ to 100$ - T-64BV1 price reduced from 120$ to 110$ - T-64BV price reduced from 130$ to 120$ - T-72B price reduced from 95$ to 90$ - T-72B Obr 1987 price reduced from 125$ to 110$ - T-72B Obr 1989 price reduced from 150$ to 135$ - T-72BU price reduced from 180$ to 175$ - T-80B price reduced from 80$ to 75$ - T-80A price reduced from 110$ to 105$ - T-80BV price reduced from 120$ to 110$ - T-80U price reduced from 155$ to 150$ - T-80UM price reduced from 170$ to 165$ - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P price reduced from 30 to 20 - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P availability increased from 12 to 20 - BRDM-2 Konkurs price reduced from 40 to 35 - BRDM-2 Konkurs availability increased from 8 to 12 - BRDM-2 Konkurs-M price reduced from 50 to 45 - BRDM-2 Konkurs-M availability increased from 6 to 8 - Shturm-S availability increased from 6 to 8 - Su-27S price increased from 150$ to 155$ CSSR: - S-24 rocket on the Mi-25 aim time reduced from 1sec to 0.6sec. - T-72M2 Moderna price reduced from 165$ to 155$ - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P price reduced from 30 to 20 - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P availability increased from 12 to 20 - BRDM-2 Konkurs price reduced from 40 to 35 - BRDM-2 Konkurs availability increased from 8 to 12 - BRDM-2 Konkurs-M price reduced from 50 to 45 - BRDM-2 Konkurs-M availability increased from 6 to 8 E-GERMANY: - Mot-Schützen '90 prototyped. - Fasta-4 missile changed for Igla-1 as DDR never used Strela-3's. Service date changed to 1988, price increased from 30$ to 35$. - Reserveschützen soldiers per squad increased from 10 to 15. - SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P price reduced from 30 to 20 - SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P availability increased from 12 to 20 - SPW-40P2 Konkurs price reduced from 40 to 35 - SPW-40P2 Konkurs availability increased from 8 to 12 - Mig-21Bis Lazur price reduced from 85$ to 80$ POLAND: - T-72M1 Wilk price reduced from 125$ to 120$ - PT-91 Twardy price reduced from 160$ to 155$ - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P price reduced from 30 to 20 - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P availability increased from 12 to 20 - BRDM-2 Konkurs price reduced from 40 to 35 - BRDM-2 Konkurs availability increased from 8 to 12 - Mig-27 gun efficiency halved CHINA: - ZSD-90 side armor increased from 1 to 2 - ZZC-56 single KPVT changed for a ZPTU-2 as displayed on the model - WZ-550 HJ-9 missile speed increased to the level of the other laser guided missiles - HJ-8A missiles acuracy increased from 40% to 50% - Z-9A HJ-8B missile accuracy incresed from 50%/40% to 60%/45% - Su-100 price reduced from 20$ to 15$ - Lu Zhandui '90 rocket loadout increased from 9 to 12 - ZTZ-85-III price reduced from 145$ to 140$ - WZ-550 availability increased from 3 to 4 - BRDM-1 HJ-73 availability increased from 16 to 20 - JH-7A Feibao price reduced from 160$ to 150$ - J-8IIB & J-8C gun range vs planes increased to 2800m N-KOREA: - Hwasung Chong's strela's accuracy increased from 30% to 40% by consistency with other strela - Type 63 price increased from 20$ to 25$ - Type 63 accuracy reduced from 50% to 40% & ability to fire on the move removed as the vehicule had no stabilizer. - Su-100 price reduced from 20$ to 15$ - Bochungsu now have access to BTR-50PK and ZSD-531A - VTT-323 Igla price reduced from 45$ to 40$ - T-90S price reduced from 175$ to 170$ - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P price reduced from 30 to 20 - BRDM-2 Malyutka-P availability increased from 12 to 20 - Type 85 Susong-Po price reduced from 25 to 20 - Type 85 Susong-Po availability increased from 12 to 20
Le site a besoin de vos commandes Amazon pour son financement !
Olaf_-l-_ replied to Atlantis's topic in L'actualité
C'est parti pour paypal ! -
Présentation Maxence Lansky
Olaf_-l-_ replied to Maxence Miot's topic in Présentation des nouveaux arrivants
Salut à toi lorrain ! -
Le Fils de Saul - Saul Fia
Olaf_-l-_ replied to Leroy's topic in Films et séries TV basés sur la seconde Guerre Mondiale
Ce film est complétement dément , j'ai rarement était aussi mal à l'aise , il prend au tripe et le parti pris de filmer en plan serré tout le film est génial . -
Salut à toi !